TAO Office Space Gets an Overhaul

This article originally appeared in the Technology Association of Oregon Blog (July 2016).

During our staff meeting a few months back, the TAO team listed out new ways we could encourage and facilitate networking, engagement and education among our members and the Oregon tech community beyond what we currently offer.  We generated a lot of ideas.

Over the next few months we will roll out new ways for members--and non-members--to communicate and connect in Oregon, Southwest Washington, and beyond. We will also introduce our community to the companies and volunteers who are helping take TAO’s game to the next level.

The premise behind one of the ideas generated by our brainstorming session was a familiar one:  Get our own house in order by organizing the TAO Portland office to function as a hub for members and the tech community.  As you can see from the above photo, this was no easy task.  

To kick start this project we called upon TAO Member Allyson Strowbridge, Principal of ctrl+shift+space, a workplace strategy and place-making practice, to help us re-imagine and reclaim our office.

TAO shares its space in the Eastside Exchange building with Oregon Film, just on the east side of the Burnside Bridge. We have amazing views of Big Pink and the Portland Oregon sign, a semi-large conference room and a couple of offices for smaller meetings – but very few people would know it. With over 90 events and 23 communities to support, our space had become a dumping ground, so it is very rarely our go-to spot for get-togethers.

We are excited to announce that we’re changing that, and with the help of ctrl+shift+space!  We’re improving the workplace TAO calls home base. Our goals are to get organized, make better use of the square footage and furnishings we have, as well as create a more welcoming and usable space for TAO guests, members and staff alike.

With Allyson’s expert guidance our vision is being aligned with simple and effective solutions that fit our needs, and we’re carrying out the plan together over the course of the next several months.

Please stay-tuned for future updates as we share our excitement with the TAO community about the process, and the progress we make!